
Elman Zoom Induction

“Take a nice, deep breath and hold it.  Now let it out and close your eyes down and relax.  Now, relax your eyes and the muscles around your eyes, fully and completely.  Relax them to the point that they just won’t work. And when you’re satisfied that they are so relaxed that they just won’t work, test them, to prove to yourself that they just won’t work.   (Pause)

Good.  Now stop testing and relax them again.  1

Now send that relaxation all the way down  to your toes… like a warm wave of relaxation.  (Pause) Good. 

In a moment, I’m going to ask you to open your eyes and close them again.  When you close them, just go 10 times deeper into relaxation.  Let your eyes open. Now close them.  (Pause)  Go 10 times deeper.  (Pause) 

Good. In a moment, I’m going to ask you to open your eyes and close them again.  This time, just double your relaxation.  Let your eyes open.  Now close them.  Double that relaxation.  (Pause)

Good.  In a moment I’m going to ask you to open your eyes and close them again.  This time, just go much deeper.  Let your eyes open, now close them. Much deeper.  Way down.  (Pause)   Good. You’re doing great.

Put your awareness on your arms. And now take one of your arms and stretch it out in front of you and make it stiff and rigid. Make a tight fist. As I count from 1 to 3, feel that arm becoming stiff and rigid. ONE, feel that joint locking at the shoulder. Your arm is becoming stiff and rigid. TWO feel that joint locking at the elbow. THREE, feel that joint locking at the wrist. Your arm is stiff and rigid. So stiff it won’t bend. TRY to bend it, it gets stiffer!

In a moment I’ll snap my fingers and when I do, that arm goes loose and limp and you go much deeper!


Do 10-1 deepener after that.